This ever happen to anyone else? My ear seems blocked, I can barely hear out of it - everything sounds low passed or something.
It's happened to me before and gone away, but now it seems to have returned.
watdo D:
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Melbourne, Australia
Joined on 7/6/07
Posted by Geoplex - November 30th, 2011
This ever happen to anyone else? My ear seems blocked, I can barely hear out of it - everything sounds low passed or something.
It's happened to me before and gone away, but now it seems to have returned.
watdo D:
Clean that shit out once in a while.
My ears are always clean, the problem is inside the actual auditory canal - like an inch deep. I don't wanna rupture my eardrum, kthx
This cannot be good.....
This has actually happened to me before and it's a real bitch to hear. Anyway, there should are things called ear syringes that you can buy Might want to have a bowl next to your ear while doing that because when I did it, there were huge chunks of ear wax. Ear syringe: <a href=",or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1600&bih=724&wrapid=tlif132270858408311&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=iw&ei=Ye7WTsyIHYXq0gHt4o3-DQ"> p;hl=en&safe=off&q=ear%20syri nge&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=1123l4009l 0l4227l11l6l0l0l0l0l219l952l0.3.2l5l0 &bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&am p;biw=1600&bih=724&wrapid=tli f132270858408311&ie=UTF-8&sa=
N&tab=iw&ei=Ye7WTsyIHYXq0gHt4 o3-DQ</a>
I had my auditory canal cleaned out by high-pressure water last time this happened, this sounds similar.